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Interstate Move Hacks

Recently, my wife and I did our first interstate move in 30 years (before the internet was a mass-adopted tool). Of course, things have changed a lot since then. Life is more complicated, but modern technologies have helped make some… Read More »Interstate Move Hacks


My New Office…. I started my Community College teaching career last week. From my website and my background, you may have guess that I’m a big fan of financial literacy. This quarter, I’m teaching Business 104 – a business math… Read More »Teaching


I’m going to get a little ‘woo-woo’ on you for a bit. There is a saying that I’ve often heard – I’m paraphrasing, but it’s something along the lines of ‘Miracles are everywhere, when you open your eyes and look… Read More »Gratitude

Slow Down

I’m going to share a story, and there will be a point to it. I got scammed. It happened because I was in a hurry. I was trying to jam in a few things before a call, and all I… Read More »Slow Down